“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” -Acts 20:24 

Worship Services

June 09, 2024  Title/Worship Theme: Malayalam Holy Communion Service
10:15 AM
Lectionary Theme Environmental Sunday: Integrity of whole creation in Christ
  First Lesson Isa 65:17-25
  Second Lesson Rev 21:1-8
  Epistle Rom 8:18-25
  Gospel John 3:16-21
June 16, 2024  Title/Worship Theme: English Holy Communion Service
10:15 AM
Lectionary Theme Beginning of Fast of the Apostles: Call and commission to be Christ’s Disciples (4th Sunday after Pentecost)
  First Lesson Jer 1:1-12
  Second Lesson 2Cor 4:1-6
  Epistle Acts 9:10-17
  Gospel Matt 4:17-22
June 23, 2024  Title/Worship Theme: Malayalam Holy Communion Service
10:15 AM
Lectionary Theme Discipleship: the call to bear the Cross
  First Lesson Dan 6:10-23
  Second Lesson 2Cor 6:1-10
  Epistle Col 1:24-29
  Gospel Luke 9:23-27
June 30, 2024  Title/Worship Theme: Malayalam Divine worship Service
10:15 AM
Lectionary Theme The glorious appearance of Jesus Christ and the disciples who need to be vigilant
  First Lesson Mal 3:13-18, 4:1-2
  Second Lesson Acts 1:6-11
  Epistle 1Thess 4:13-18
  Gospel Matt 24:42-51
July 07, 2024  Title/Worship Theme: English Holy Communion Service
09:30 AM
Lectionary Theme Tithe Sunday: Giving from the heart (7th Sunday after Pentecost)
  First Lesson 1Chr 29:10-18
  Second Lesson Acts 5:1-11
  Epistle Phil 4:10-20
  Gospel Luke 16:19-31
July 14, 2024  Title/Worship Theme: Malayalam Holy Communion Service
09:30 AM
Lectionary Theme Clergy Sunday, Priests: Servants in Pastoral Ministry
  First Lesson Ezek 33:1-9
  Second Lesson 2Tim 2:1-13
  Epistle 1Pet 5:1-7
  Gospel John 10:1-11
July 21, 2024  Title/Worship Theme: English Holy Communion Service
09:30 AM
Lectionary Theme People of God: Co-workers in building up the Kingdom of God
  First Lesson Exod 19:1-6
  Second Lesson 1John 4:7-21
  Epistle Rom 14:13-19
  Gospel Luke 10:25-37
July 28, 2024  Title/Worship Theme: Malayalam Holy Communion Service
09:30 AM
Lectionary Theme Gifts of the Holy Spirit: For the spiritual nourishment of the people of God
  First Lesson 2Chr 15:1-8
  Second Lesson 1Cor 12:4-12
  Epistle 1Cor 12:27-31
  Gospel John 20:19-23


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